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Behind Pathfinder Panama and Bacpakr Productions

Welcome to Joy's World

Hi, I'm Joy, and this is my first blog. Welcome. For those who don't know me. I am the founder and director of Pathfinder Panama, an experiential education program that provides team building for adults and social & emotional learning for youth.

There is definitely more to me, however I will get into more details about me later in other blog posts. I don't want to give everything away at the beginning. ;)

I have thought about writing a blog for a while now however, I never sat down to do it. That is until now.

The thoughts that came, and continue to come to my mind were/are what are you going to write about? Soon after I have a flashback to my writing classes in college. My essays and papers were returned to me bloody with grammatical corrections. And with that I dismiss the idea and move on to something else.

When the thought arises again I ask myself who would read what I write anyway? I do not even read other blogs who would bother to read mine. Another quick flashback to school, and I move on to something else. The thing is, I love writing. However, just not for anyone else to read.

Interesting how an experience or experiences from our past keep us from exploring, taking the next step, or trying something new. As an experiential education instructor we are always asking our participants to push themselves out of their comfort zones. To use the activities to challenge themselves. It occured to me that as instructors in this field we rarely practice what we preach.

My Comfort Zone

I think back to my own life. When have I stepped out of my comfort zone? What happened when I did? Most of the time it was a bit scary and yet exciting at the same time. I was definitely nervous, worried, and in some cases did not think I could do it. Then I did it. Phew, as I breathe a sigh of relief. I realize that that actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. My brain was a bigger obstacle than the actual task or event.

A Closing Message

So, here is another go at stepping outside of my comfort zone. I don't know if it will last,or for how long, or where it will go, however I invite you to join me on this journey. That's the point of a blog right? If you have made it this far. Thanks for reading!! I hope to see you in the next one.


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